Patrolman Bobby Shisler

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Another ride coming in 2025.

May 31, 2025
Rain date: June 7, 2025

Thank you for a great turnout

As the President of the Rolling Badges LE MC and the Chairman of the 4 Heroes Inc., I want to thank ALL of those who supported our VERY successful 1st “Shisler Legacy Ride .” Although the weather failed us, those that supported Officer Shisler and his family yesterday showed up large for the cause and didn’t care less. Registration had over 300 motorcycles, plus many jeeps from 13th Child and other vehicles. Jeep club quote ” it was an absolute honor to be part of such a great cause.” The police motorcycle units and the many other departments that showed up was big, NJ State Police, Margate, West Deptford and Deptford K-9 units. The fire departments that showed, and hung flag in the route was impressive.
In today’s world not everyone is a fan of the police, in fact, a police officer is shot in this country every 23hrs. You would have never known by yesterdays turn out and the eclectic group of riders. So many LE clubs, military clubs and citizens who rode in the rain to honor this officer.
I will end this from a small quote from Bobby’s mother. “Thank you, Remembering him means the world to us, thank you from a mama who hasn’t had many good days. I was finally happy at an event and was able to celebrate my son.” We will be posting pictures etc. soon. I am meeting with my board and the Shisler family to pick the 2025 date. This is a yearly event, the 4 Heroes Charity and the Rolling Badges Law Enforcement Club will never forget! Next year lets make it a 1,000 vehicles!
Special thanks to Harbaugh Village, Trent Cole, Jeff Ferry, Mike Colleluori, Matt Nelson, Bob Ciconte, Deptford High School, Bill Hanstein, Peabody’s Wayback for performing live music for free. Thank you to the many businesses who supported this cause. Thank you Kim Nolan, Terri Eckel and the volunteers from Gateway HS, Captain John Storms, Deptford Police for his help and standing in the rain to help.
THANK YOU ROLLING BADGES MEMBERS AND OUR PHENOMENAL LADIES!! Thank you to the leaders and brains of the 4 Heroes Charity. Daneen Kressley, President, Dr. Alyssa Somplasky, Vice President, and so many more! GOD BLESS OFFICER BOBBY

Officer Bobby Shisler Monument

The future monument and memorial of Deptford Township Police Officer Bobby Shisler # 5273, who was killed in the line of duty 2023. This is being erected in conjunction and blessing of the Shisler Family, who designed the monument. Public dedication will be late summer at 4 Heroes Charity 929 Edgewater Ave. Westville New Jersey

New memorial honoring Deptford Township Police Officer Bobby Shisler to be unveiled

In Memory of Bobby Shisler

Bobby Shisler was an all American boy. Born and raised in Deptford, New Jersey, he was a force to be reckoned with from day one. His presence left an everlasting impact on everyone who met him. A man’s man that was truly the last of a dying breed. Those who knew him will forever miss his beautiful smile and contagious laugh.

Bobby worked as a Police Officer for the Deptford Township Police Department for 4 years before his end of watch— May 7, 2023. He graduated from Deptford High School Class of 2014, where he played baseball and football. He played Division 1 baseball at Presbyterian College in South Carolina. He was an avid hunter and enjoyed the outdoors. Bobby had a passion for weight lifting and won his first bodybuilding competition in 2021.

For the rest of our days, we promise him there will never be a day that goes by where we don’t remind the world of his existence. A grief that never ends, is a love that never dies.

– Written by Ashley Shisler, Bobby’s Sister

From 4heroes Charity

The 4 Heroes Charity Inc. a (501c3) and the Rolling Badges Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club have joined forces with Officer Bobby Shisler’s family for this yearly event. Officer Shisler was employed by Deptford Township New Jersey Police Department. While on duty he was tragically shot by a suspect, on March 10, 2023. He fought a valiant fight to overcome his wound but on May 7, 2023 Officer Shisler lost his battle.

As a law enforcement organization, we decided to do an annual event so Officer Shisler legacy remains at the forefront of people’s minds. We honor our community heroes and he lost his life in the line of duty protecting his community. It was a pleasure to get to know Bobby more through his family. One of the strongest messages they conveyed is that he was more than just his occupation. The greatest honor that we could give anybody is to remember their entire being. We want to honor his legacy as an officer but also as a son, brother, friend, and more. We want his LEGACY to remain in the lives he touched and the community served; his sacrifice never to be forgotten.

The 4 Heroes Charity and the Rolling Badges LE MC embarked on this annual ride in his memory. The loss of a police officer life is felt by more than their family, friends and co-workers, it’s felt throughout the community and our nations when an officer dies in the line of duty.

We look forward to our yearly event and joining forces with the community and the public business sector so that we may give back in Bobby Shisler’s name to a cause that his parents select. We hope by raising awareness of what a day in the life of an officer involves, the impact it has on their community, and family and friends that with your participation and generous donations we can honor his memory for many years to come.

We respectfully ask for the public and our corporations to partner together and give within your means as a charitable tax donation. We will use these donations to honor our cause, the man, and you the donor for the generous support.

There are a few other projects that the 4 Heroes Charity and the Rolling Badges LEMC are undertaking so that Officer Shisler’s memory will live on in the public’s eyes. Stay tuned for more to come! Help us meet our goals and be a part of the LEGACY.

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